مرثية حزينة لشهيدة العِلم والبراءة ماغي...د. أحمد خواجة
هنيئًا لك في عليائك أيتها الفقيدة الغالية ماغي محمود، فقد تحرّرت، مِمّ تحررت؟ من البؤس والإهمال والتقصير، من عالم الخداع والنفاق، من بلد الميثاقية، وبلد حقوق المسيحيين المهدورة، وحقوق المسلمين المهضومة، من بلد تناحر الطوائف الدامي، وتلاحمها الرحيم، تحررت من شعارات: عشتم وعاش لبنان، وشعارات حقوق الإنسان وحقوق المواطن، والوفاء لدماء الشهداء والولاء للوليّ الفقيه، تحررت من موبقات هذه الطبقة السياسية الفاسدة الجاثمة على صدر الوطن، تحررت من شموخ زعماء الطوائف، وعنجهيات أبنائهم، وغنج ودلال زوجاتهم وخليلاتهم، تحررت، والحمد لله الذي لا يُحمدُ على مكروهٍ سواه، من أنواع الذلّ والهوان والجوع والحرمان، الذي كان ينتظرك يوم تخرجك من ثانوية الإهمال والتقصير.
لا تأسي يا فتاةً بريئة داهمها حتفُها، فما كان ينتظرك خارج أسوار الثانوية أقسى بكثير ممّا عانيته داخلها، هنيئًا لك الموت بين رفاقك وصديقاتك، وليس غرقاً في مركبٍ تائهٍ في بحرٍ زاخر، وأخيراً نغبطك لأنّك أغمضت عيونك للأبد، ولن تري بعد اليوم مخازي هؤلاء الحكام الفاسدين العاجزين عن انتخاب رئيسٍ للجمهورية يُنظّم موبقاتهم ويتستّر عليها، ويضبط خلافاتهم عند توزيع الحصص والمغانم، ولربما إذا وُفّقوا إلى انتخاب الرئيس الموعود، يهتم، ولو قليلاً، بترميم المدارس الرسمية الآيلة للسقوط، بعد الحصول على هبة مجانية من المجتمع الدولي، بعد السطو على معظمها بالطبع.
إن المقال يعبر عن رأي كاتبه وليس بـالضرورة سياسة الموقع
تعليقات الزوار
International Dance Conference from the Perspective of the Abrahamic Religions
Hi dear
This plan is a proposal of a scientific-promotional conference on the subject of dance from the point of view of various religions and sects, but the priority of that dance is from the point of view of the Abrahamic religions. In this meeting, which is held away from political and governmental tendencies, scholars of different religions, especially Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) that have common roots, gathered and attended by religious clerics and dance experts (dance experts in the field of history). Dance, dance philosophy, dance studies, dance and gender, emerging dances, sports dances, and finally dance therapy) sit down to talk and share their views on various dance topics in front of media experts and the general public and dance enthusiasts. They criticize and review.
Biennial Conference
As the topics of this conference are numerous and can not be summarized in a meeting of several days, it is suggested that these meetings be held once every two years. It is held every two years in a country or a continent.
Conference Tips
First point: The meaning of Islam in this meeting is Shiite religion and Sunni religion separately. Therefore, Shiite and Sunni religious experts are invited to these meetings, and Shiite and Sunni religious meetings are held jointly or separately. Of course, the Sunnis have four religions, Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi'i and Hanbali, and the Wahhabi sub-religion. Shiites also have Jafari, Ismaili and Zaidi religions. All these religions participate in this international conference separately and have separate representatives to express their views separately. Other non-Abrahamic religions, such as the religions of the Indian subcontinent, East Asia, and Africa, will also participate in the conference to present their views.
Second point: The topics to be discussed in this conference will be appropriate for the conference board. But some important topics to consider in this conference are:
History of the Abrahamic religions and dance and its why, a problem called dance and art in Islamic jurisprudence, the history of dance in Islamic societies, the flow of dance in the heyday of Islamic civilization (Umayyad and Abbasid caliphate), dance in Shiite traditions and hadiths And Sunnis, dance from the point of view of Muslim scholars such as Farabi, Ibn Khaldun and Ibn Rushd of Andalusia. Dance from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudential religions and Muslim jurists, background and functions of Sama dance in Islamic societies, dance as a sport, basic health or disease dance, scientific and practical foundations of dance therapy, dance therapy from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, history of gender and dance, study The theory of femininity and eroticism of dance phenomenon,
Third point: The reference for inviting Sunni experts from Azhar University will be The religious universities of Mecca and Medina, the prestigious Islamic universities in the world such as Aligarh University and the Islamic Nations of India, the Islamic University of Malaysia and the like.
Fourth point: دعوت The source of inviting Shiite clerics is the Najaf-Ashraf constituency in Iraq. Of course, since the Najaf constituency may not accompany them, Shiite clerics living in Europe and the United States can be invited to these meetings, and if they do not come, Shiite university professors in Europe and the United States will be invited to these meetings.
Fifth point: This conference and meeting, due to the observance of etiquette towards the participants and clerics of all three Abrahamic religions, without provocative side programs such as music or dance, and its purpose is only to hold a scientific meeting on the ambiguities about dance From the point of view of Abrahamic religions, especially Islam.
Sixth point: This conference is modeled on the Ibrahim Peace Plan implemented in the Middle East and its purpose, instead of creating tension and creating tension, is to soften views on dance and reduce pressure on artists in Islamic and religious societies.
Tip 7: The costs of this conference will be paid through charities and reputable universities so that the ill-wishers of this conference will not face sanctions or threats because of the organizers or participants.
Tip 8: This conference is held in the summer, which is the closing season of seminary and university courses and the peak of the flourishing of dance and music festivals.
Tip 9: Before the conference and at the same time as the conference, scientific documentaries and reports and TV talk shows on topics related to dance are produced and broadcast from the international media to coincide with the scientific discussions of the conference. The general public in the Islamic world should also accompany these issues and neutralize negative reactions to dance or dance conferences.
Some important programming topics are: such as dance museums, dealing with dancers in Islamic societies, especially Iran and Afghanistan, scientific documentaries about dance therapy, documentary reports on the charitable activities of dancers throughout history, especially contemporary history.
Tip 10: In addition to the conference, An exhibition of dance books and magazines, ص Dance archeological findings, Donors and human rights activists who have been dancers will be held to expose the scientific and human aspects of dance to the eyes of scientists and the world Be placed.
Note 1: I, Ali Rezaei Adriani, the author of the book Dance from the perspective of Shiite religion, if the cultural environment of the conference is suitable, I am ready to attend this conference and submit a report from the dance book.
Second Note: I, Ali Rezaei Adriani, reserve the intellectual right to register this conference.
Ali Rezaei Adriani
This program has been sent to international universities, dance companies and UNESCO.
Summary of Ali Rezaei Adriani's resume
Year of birth: 1971
Place of birth: Najaf Ashraf - Iraq - (Iranian citizenship)
Location: Holy City of Qom - Phone and WhatsApp: 0098-9198516612
Email: golzar1971 @ yahoo .com
Home Address: Qom, Kowsar, Rouhani St. 4, No. 326, Postal Code 75899-37158
Job status: Research and writing (screenplay, media research, history of Islam and the field)
Academic status: Graduated from Qom University - Qom Seminary (Studied with - Student - Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani, the late Ayatollah Javad Tabrizi, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Madadi)
M.Sc.: Radio and Television University - Qom Branch. And a doctorate from the seminary of Qom with a focus on Islamic sciences.
11 تشرين الثّاني 2022
International Dance Conference from the Perspective of the Abrahamic Religions
Hi dear
This plan is a proposal of a scientific-promotional conference on the subject of dance from the point of view of various religions and sects, but the priority of that dance is from the point of view of the Abrahamic religions. In this meeting, which is held away from political and governmental tendencies, scholars of different religions, especially Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) that have common roots, gathered and attended by religious clerics and dance experts (dance experts in the field of history). Dance, dance philosophy, dance studies, dance and gender, emerging dances, sports dances, and finally dance therapy) sit down to talk and share their views on various dance topics in front of media experts and the general public and dance enthusiasts. They criticize and review.
Biennial Conference
As the topics of this conference are numerous and can not be summarized in a meeting of several days, it is suggested that these meetings be held once every two years. It is held every two years in a country or a continent.
Conference Tips
First point: The meaning of Islam in this meeting is Shiite religion and Sunni religion separately. Therefore, Shiite and Sunni religious experts are invited to these meetings, and Shiite and Sunni religious meetings are held jointly or separately. Of course, the Sunnis have four religions, Maliki, Hanafi, Shafi'i and Hanbali, and the Wahhabi sub-religion. Shiites also have Jafari, Ismaili and Zaidi religions. All these religions participate in this international conference separately and have separate representatives to express their views separately. Other non-Abrahamic religions, such as the religions of the Indian subcontinent, East Asia, and Africa, will also participate in the conference to present their views.
Second point: The topics to be discussed in this conference will be appropriate for the conference board. But some important topics to consider in this conference are:
History of the Abrahamic religions and dance and its why, a problem called dance and art in Islamic jurisprudence, the history of dance in Islamic societies, the flow of dance in the heyday of Islamic civilization (Umayyad and Abbasid caliphate), dance in Shiite traditions and hadiths And Sunnis, dance from the point of view of Muslim scholars such as Farabi, Ibn Khaldun and Ibn Rushd of Andalusia. Dance from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudential religions and Muslim jurists, background and functions of Sama dance in Islamic societies, dance as a sport, basic health or disease dance, scientific and practical foundations of dance therapy, dance therapy from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, history of gender and dance, study The theory of femininity and eroticism of dance phenomenon,
Third point: The reference for inviting Sunni experts from Azhar University will be The religious universities of Mecca and Medina, the prestigious Islamic universities in the world such as Aligarh University and the Islamic Nations of India, the Islamic University of Malaysia and the like.
Fourth point: دعوت The source of inviting Shiite clerics is the Najaf-Ashraf constituency in Iraq. Of course, since the Najaf constituency may not accompany them, Shiite clerics living in Europe and the United States can be invited to these meetings, and if they do not come, Shiite university professors in Europe and the United States will be invited to these meetings.
Fifth point: This conference and meeting, due to the observance of etiquette towards the participants and clerics of all three Abrahamic religions, without provocative side programs such as music or dance, and its purpose is only to hold a scientific meeting on the ambiguities about dance From the point of view of Abrahamic religions, especially Islam.
Sixth point: This conference is modeled on the Ibrahim Peace Plan implemented in the Middle East and its purpose, instead of creating tension and creating tension, is to soften views on dance and reduce pressure on artists in Islamic and religious societies.
Tip 7: The costs of this conference will be paid through charities and reputable universities so that the ill-wishers of this conference will not face sanctions or threats because of the organizers or participants.
Tip 8: This conference is held in the summer, which is the closing season of seminary and university courses and the peak of the flourishing of dance and music festivals.
Tip 9: Before the conference and at the same time as the conference, scientific documentaries and reports and TV talk shows on topics related to dance are produced and broadcast from the international media to coincide with the scientific discussions of the conference. The general public in the Islamic world should also accompany these issues and neutralize negative reactions to dance or dance conferences.
Some important programming topics are: such as dance museums, dealing with dancers in Islamic societies, especially Iran and Afghanistan, scientific documentaries about dance therapy, documentary reports on the charitable activities of dancers throughout history, especially contemporary history.
Tip 10: In addition to the conference, An exhibition of dance books and magazines, ص Dance archeological findings, Donors and human rights activists who have been dancers will be held to expose the scientific and human aspects of dance to the eyes of scientists and the world Be placed.
Note 1: I, Ali Rezaei Adriani, the author of the book Dance from the perspective of Shiite religion, if the cultural environment of the conference is suitable, I am ready to attend this conference and submit a report from the dance book.
Second Note: I, Ali Rezaei Adriani, reserve the intellectual right to register this conference.
Ali Rezaei Adriani
This program has been sent to international universities, dance companies and UNESCO.
Summary of Ali Rezaei Adriani's resume
Year of birth: 1971
Place of birth: Najaf Ashraf - Iraq - (Iranian citizenship)
Location: Holy City of Qom - Phone and WhatsApp: 0098-9198516612
Email: golzar1971 @ yahoo .com
Home Address: Qom, Kowsar, Rouhani St. 4, No. 326, Postal Code 75899-37158
Job status: Research and writing (screenplay, media research, history of Islam and the field)
Academic status: Graduated from Qom University - Qom Seminary (Studied with - Student - Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani, the late Ayatollah Javad Tabrizi, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Madadi)
M.Sc.: Radio and Television University - Qom Branch. And a doctorate from the seminary of Qom with a focus on Islamic sciences.
11 تشرين الثّاني 2022
إن موقع لبنان الجديد لا يتحمل مسؤولية التعليقات وغير مسؤول عنها.